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20-09-2018 I like your approach concerning the understanding and protection of big carnivores, as these animals tend to be misunderstood. Georgina
14-08-2018 Hey Robin Thomas und Ronny hier Wir wollten uns nochmal bedanken für den schönen Ausflug ins ticha dolina Tal. Es war so toll als der Bär 30 Meter vor uns den Weg gekreuzt hat. Und wir natürlich such den älteren Bären am häng beobachten konnten. Thomas und ronny
13-08-2018 Hi Robin, it was a great pleasure to go bear watching with you.You taught us a lot and inspired us with your passion for wildlife. We really enjoyed the trip and last but not least re-learned to see, to detect.Thank you and best regards.
Eva Keller
04-09-2017 Robin took us to watch bears and we saw 7 bears in 2 days, one of the best memories of my life. We highly recommand !Nadege
14-04-2007 Great site guys, looks good and full on right on information! Don't need to change a thing.Bjarni
12-07-2006 Hello collegues,
You're doing marvellous job.Your Web-site is nice, modest and not too complex but still very powerfull.
Since the coexistence bear-human is under the challenge-test also in my country.snow-runner
05-06-2006 Dear people wonderfull initiative,
keep up the good work!!
Peter Lubbers
29-08-2005 Dear Robin,
This is an excellent site. Congratulations. I am very happy that Alertis has been able to support this project.
Margje 12-08-2005 There are not many sites created of passion, this one surely is, good job ;)Magda
09-08-2005 Hello!
I'm from Hungary (Szolnok).
An 20.07.2005 (7:30 p.m): I was see the great bear(cca. 200 kg) near the way. This story was Kopské sedlo-Bielavoda zast.(Cca 6 km to Kopské sedlo).
Good bye